Event Planning
Parking and Transportation Services offers numerous parking options and services for groups and events.
Parking Validations
Event Parking Resources
Event Parking & Requests
For events of all sizes, PTS is here to assist with planning and arranging parking for you and your visitors. With smaller groups, it’s still a good idea to contact our event coordinator to check on the availability of parking and other events that day. To begin planning parking for an event, please contact PTS at least one week, and no more than six months, in advance. An additional charge may be required if an event is scheduled five days or less before it occurs. To request event space, please complete and submit the Special Event Parking Request Form. Only one form per event is required. Your event parking request will be confirmed by phone or e-mail within three business days of submittal. Confirmation will include a cost estimate, parking availability and any requested equipment/signage information.
Parking Validations
Non-refundable validations can be personalized to fit specific time requirements and preferred parking locations, and can be purchased for small or large groups for up to several days. There is a minimum order of 10 validations.
Georgia Tech departments are required to pay for validations using a PeopleSoft account number, a 10-digit document ID number, and an account code. Off-campus organizations and individuals can pay with credit card or money order. Please do not include credit card numbers; a representative will contact you with further instructions.
Event Parking Resources
Parking and Transportation Services offers a variety of resources to assist you in staging your event.