Validation Request

Validation Request

Visitors Validation Request

Complete the form below to request validation stickers for departmental visitors or special guests. Allow three (3) business days for processing. All visitors are required to display a validation credential while on campus. Customers who lose their tickets are subject to paying the posted lost ticket fee upon exit. All validations expire after August 14 each year. Unused validations cannot be refunded, exchanged or transferred after the expiration date. For further questions, please contact us directly.

Validation Information

Validation Type
Pick-Up Options
All validations expire August 14 each year.
Is this request for an event?

Requester Information

Affiliate Type

Payment Information

Any charter service requested after June 1 will require a valid Driver Worktag for the upcoming fiscal year.
Example expense ledger account: 719100 (Rents-Non-Real Estate).
Example spend category: SC719109 (Rental – Vehicles (Trolley / Stinger / Shuttle Bus / Van)

Payment Information

Only payment option is Check/Credit Card at Customer Service Center


Allow three (3) business days for processing. All visitors are required to display a validation credential while on campus. Customers who lose their tickets are subject to paying the posted lost ticket fee upon exit. All validations expire after August 14 each year. Unused validations cannot be refunded, exchanged or transferred after the expiration date. For further questions, please contact our office directly.