Stinger Rental Request

Stinger Rental Request

Stinger Charter Request


Complete the form below to request the use of a Stinger bus. Please complete a separate form for each day requested. Cost generated by this form is only an estimate, final cost will be based on actual service time.  Split service is only allowed if there are 7 hours or more between first pick up and second requested pick up. (3) hour minimum will apply to each trip. For more information visit our Charter Service page and for further questions, please contact us directly.


Requests must be made no later than one week prior to event. During the academic school year charters are not provided Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on Institute vehicles. Rentals will be approved based upon vehicle and/or driver availability. Directions to off-campus locations must be approved by the chartering party.

Cancellations, changes, and additions require, in advance of the date of service, a 72-hour advance written notice.

For campus departments, charter service requests require a valid Workday number.

The contact person is responsible for requesting additional services and to verify start/end service times. Service that lasts more than 15 minutes past the estimated service hours will be charged an additional service hour.

Requester Information

Affiliate Type

Trip Information

Requested Vehicle Type

Stinger Bus

Max Capacity: 32


Pick-Up: Address
Pick-Up: Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Pick-Up Time
Destination: Address
Destination: Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Destination: Time
This should be the arrival time of your final destination, after all drop-offs have been made.
Will this event require multiple pickups at intervals before the end time?


Is the Return Pick-Up location the same as the Departure Destination?
Pick-Up: Address
Pick-Up: Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Pick-Up: Time
Is the Return Destination location the same as the Departure Pick-Up Location?
Destination: Address
Destination: Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Destination: Time
This should be the arrival time of your final destination, after all drop-offs have been made.

Payment Information

Any charter service requested after June 1 will require a valid Driver Worktag for the upcoming fiscal year.
Example expense ledger account: 719100 (Rents-Non-Real Estate).
Example spend category: SC719109 (Rental – Vehicles (Trolley / Stinger / Shuttle Bus / Van)

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