Bicycling & Personal Mobility Devices
Georgia Tech encourages bicycling to and around campus as a healthy, convenient, and low-cost form of transportation. Students, faculty and staff can bike to traverse the campus and surrounding areas while reducing traffic congestion on area streets.
Abandoned Bicycles
Starter Bikes
Bicycle Resources
Register Your Bike
The Institute recommends that students, faculty and staff register their bikes with the Georgia Tech Police Department to enable GTPD to identify the bike and contact the customer if the bicycle is recovered after being lost or stolen. To inquire about stolen bikes, please contact the GTPD at 404-894-2500.
Bicycle Information
Bicycle Repairs
Dero Fix-It public bike repair stations are located throughout campus. All outdoor bike repair facilities are free for all to use. Fix-it station locations are shown on the GT campus map.
- Most units have pumps with universal heads for both Schrader and Presta tire tube valves (Please see the pump head usage guide to learn more).
- All units have a variety of tools for use in on-the-go repairs.
Aztec Cycles brings their mobile shop to the Community Market each Wednesday during the fall and spring semesters from 10am-2pm. The Community Market is located outside of the Exhibition Hall.
Secure Bicycle Parking
Bicycle Safety
Bicycle Safety Classes
Monthly Group Bike Ride and Class
Parking and Transportation offers free monthly bike class/rides on campus and around Atlanta in collaboration with Propel ATL. Check the Propel ATL website for more information and to register for an upcoming class. The class/rides are held the last Wednesday of each month, March through October. The expected dates for 2025 are March 26th, April 30th, May 28th, June 25th, July 30th, August 27th, September 24th, and October 29th.
Summer class times will be 6 – 7:30 pm; September and October class times will be 4 – 5:30 p.m. All classes start on Path Parkway behind the Campus Recreation Center.
Ride Smart
Ride Smart is Georgia Tech’s online safety class for bicycle and scooter riders. In this 12-minute class, you can learn how to share the road safely, laws regarding riding on and around campus, general equipment set up, and maintenance. Classes are open to Georgia Tech students, faculty, and staff. No pre-registration is required to participate, and all who complete the class are eligible to receive a free helmet after taking a short quiz.
- Take the 12-minute Ride Smart Safety Class
- Complete the quiz and select a date to pick-up your helmet.
- Pick up your helmet.
Bicycle Security
Riding Safety Basics
We care about bicyclists’ safety! To ensure that Georgia Tech is safe for you and other travelers, please note the following:
Additional information may be found in Georgia Bikes’ Bicyclist Pocket Guide, available online and in hard copy at the PTS customer service center.
- Wear A Helmet: Wear a properly adjusted helmet each time you ride. Helmets reduce the risk of serious head injury in a crash by 63-88% and facial injury by 65%. Read our Bicycles & PMDs Rules and Regulations where you’ll learn more about helmet sales. Learn How to Adjust A Helmet
- Stand Out: Wear bright colors and reflective elements to contrast with the road environment. Consider a bright backpack cover, jacket, and socks to highlight the movement of the leg. Use lights and reflectors. Georgia law requires at least a white front light and red rear light or reflector when riding at night. The Science of Being Seen
- Ensure Ride Readiness: Whether your own bike or a shared scooter, before each ride, complete the ABC Quick Test: check tires for Air, Brakes, Chain, and Crank-arms, and ensure Quick-releases are tight. How to Do the ABC Quick Test
- Follow the Rules of the Road: Bikes are legally vehicles and must follow the same rules of the road as motor vehicles, including following all traffic signs and signals and riding with the flow of traffic.
- Ride Alert: Minimize distractions while you ride. Constantly scan the road for turning vehicles, car doors opening, road hazards, and other people. Never assume a motorist sees you. Make eye contact. Proceed cautiously through intersections. Pay attention- no earbuds, no phone! Learn How to Safely Scan
- Use Front and Rear Lights: In low light, bikes must have front and rear lights visible from 300 feet, but even in daylight, motorists may need up to 1,300 feet to react properly to a situation. A Guide to Bike Lights
Rules of the Road
All state and local laws pertaining to bicycles and personal mobility devices will be enforced on campus, in addition to Georgia Tech policy, procedures, and guidelines. Please also see GTPD’s information on bicycle laws. For more information regarding the rights and responsibilities of riders in Georgia, please consult the Bicyclist Pocket Guide from Georgia Bikes.
- Obey all traffic signs and signals
- Stop at all stop signs and red lights
- Ride on the road in the same direction as motor vehicle traffic; do not ride on the sidewalk
- Bikes may utilize the vehicular traffic lane, when appropriate
- Yield to pedestrians; on a shared path, slow down, announce your presence, pass on the left, and allow at least three feet of clearance
- All bikes must have front and rear lights visible from 300 feet in low light
- On campus, bikes may only be locked to bike racks
- Campus bike racks are for short-term parking; bikes left for extended periods will be tagged and removed per campus policy
- Bicyclists should stay as far to the right side of the road as practicable, but may use the whole lane when necessary – if road conditions are poor, if the lane is too narrow to share the lane safely, or when turning left.
- Ride predictably! Ride in a straight line, don’t weave. Signal your intentions by extending either arm.
Helmet Resources on Campus
Parking and Transportation sells helmets for $12 at 770 Spring Street inside the E81-Tech Square/GT Hotel parking deck from 7:30am-5pm.
How to Adjust Your Helmet
- Place the helmet on your head so that it is level and about 1″ above your eyebrows.
- Adjust the pads or rear dial to achieve a secure fit.
- Slide the straps on both sides to form a “Y” just under and in front of your ear.
- Fasten and adjust the chin strap so that there is no more than a finger space under the strap.
- Test the fit. Push the helmet; there should be no more than 1″ of movement in any direction.
What to Do After a Crash
- Safety First
Make sure that everyone is okay. - Call 911
Though an incident may seem minor, reports from crashes help to improve road safety and may be required by insurance companies. - Safety Last
Check for damage to your helmet and bike or scooter. Thoroughly perform the ABC Quick Check before riding your bike or scooter to ensure that it is safe to ride. If using a shareable device, report the crash to the company through the app. If your helmet is cracked or damaged, replace it.
Personal Mobility Devices
Personal Mobility Device Guidelines
Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs) include shareable and personally owned e-scooters, e-skateboards, and dockless bikes. There are currently several dockless, shareable mobility device services operating throughout the city of Atlanta that enable people to commute to and around the Georgia Tech campus.
Shared and personally owned personal mobility devices must follow the rules of the road and may be operated and parked on Georgia Tech’s campus according to the following guidelines:
- Ride responsibly: Ride scooters and dockless bikes in bike lanes and wherever a bike is allowed to ride. Electric mopeds must be driven as motor vehicles according to Georgia state law and are not allowed to be driven on sidewalks.
- Always yield to pedestrians: Remember pedestrians have the right of way. When in the proximity of pedestrians, please travel at a similar speed.
- Be aware of campus traffic: Stinger buses and other vehicles may be pulling to or away from curbs frequently. Always be aware of and respectful to other road users, and be cautious of larger vehicles nearby.
- Park responsibly: Scooters may be parked near (but not at) bike racks on campus. Do not leave them on sidewalks, or at other locations if they can be parked near a bike rack. Do not park scooter in a position that blocks pedestrian paths or access. Dockless bikes must be parked at bike racks. Electric mopeds must be parked in designated motorcycle/moped permit parking areas. Mopeds parked at bike racks or not in permit parking areas will be cited, booted, and/or confiscated.
- Reporting parking issues: Shared/rented (non-privately owned) scooters that are parked in such a way that they block access or create a hazard can be reported directly to the companies or via email to Please take a photo of the QR code of the offending scooter.
- Please wear a helmet: Scooter riders and bicyclists may purchase helmets from Parking and Transportation Services for $12.
- Per campus policy, electric scooters and other shared dockless devices are not allowed in campus buildings, including residence halls, and may not be charged anywhere on campus.
- Register your scooter: Privately owned scooters are recommended to be registered with GTPD, so owners can be contacted if scooter is blocking access or is stolen and recovered.
Please adhere to all terms and conditions put forth by the operator of the device you are using.
Georgia Tech is not liable for incidents occurring with these devices on campus.
Please see GTPD’s micro-mobility legal and safety guidelines.
PMD Rules & Regulations
To view more detailed information about Georgia Tech’s official policy as well as rules and regulations, please visit the following link.
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Additional Information
Abandoned Bicycles
Abandoned Bicycles
Bicycles are not meant to be stored at campus bike racks long term. Spaces at racks are needed for those actively traveling on campus, and bikes left for a long time can become unsightly. If a bike is deemed to be abandoned (see Bicycles & PMDs Rules and Regulations) it may be removed by Georgia Tech. If you believe your bike may have been removed or stolen, please submit the form below.
Starter Bikes
Starter Bikes
Starter Bikes is Georgia Tech’s on-campus, student run bike shop. Volunteers refurbish abandoned and donated bikes into low-cost, entry-level bicycles for students and community members in need of inexpensive yet reliable transportation. The program can be beneficial for people who would like to try biking without investing much money.
For more information, visit Starter Bikes on Instagram or their GT Engage page.
Bicycle Resources
Registering Your Bike
The Institute recommends that students, faculty and staff register their bikes with the Georgia Tech Police Department to enable GTPD to identify the bike and contact the customer if the bicycle is recovered after being lost or stolen. To inquire about stolen bikes, please contact the GTPD at 404-894-2500.