Commute Options

Commute Options

Georgia Tech offers many additional commute options for students, faculty, and staff who choose to not drive to campus. Whether you carpool together, bicycle around campus, ride Atlanta public transportation, or rent e-scooters, you can find a commute option that best fits your needs.

Carpool & Rideshare

Learn about environmentally-friendly ways to commute together to campus that help save money.

Public Transit

Information about regional public transportation options that are available to students, faculty, and staff.

Bicycling & Personal Mobility Devices

Bike and PMD (e-scooters, e-skateboards, etc.) safety, registration, and other information.

Alternative Commute Resources

Additional resources to help students, faculty, and staff plan their commute to Georgia Tech.

Commute Concierge

If you’re thinking about trying a new way of getting to campus, Commute Concierge helps pair Georgia Tech students and employees with transit alternatives that fit their personal needs.

Why Try an Alternate Route?

Reduce Stress icon

Reduce Stress

Relax during your daily commute and eliminate the need to drive.

Save Money icon

Save Money

Commuting options can be less expensive than single-car transportation. Reduce costs for gas, vehicle maintenance, parking or eliminate the need for a vehicle at all.

Decrease Pollution icon

Decrease Pollution

By ridesharing with an alternate commute, the number of single vehicles is reduced, which decreases pollution globally.

Don’t Know Where to Start?

Car driving graphic

PTS’s Commute Concierge service lets PTS do all the work to find the best commute option for you. Fill out the Commute Concierge questionnaire here. Our alternative transportation expert will research local transportation options and send you personalized commute recommendations.

Commuter Resources

Plan Your Commute

Google Route Planner –  Get transit directions to and from campus.

Trip Planner – Track MARTA’s bus and rail real-time with this mobile app. (iOS | Android)

MARTA On The Go – Download this app for live arrival times, routes, schedules, Breeze Card balances, and important notices about current conditions.

Breeze Card mobile app – Use your phone or mobile device to buy rides and use them immediately. (iOS | Android)

Ways to Commute

Carpool – Learn more about Tech’s carpooling program, permits, and benefits for members.

Public Transit – Georgia Tech offers discounted monthly passes for several regional transit providers across metro Atlanta.

Bicycling & Personal Mobility Devices – Tech has a growing bicycling community with a robust bicycling infrastructure, bike storage, and safety courses for beginners and experts. E-scooters, e-mopeds, and e-bikes are also allowed on campus. Learn more about Tech’s guidelines for operation.

Zipcar – Rent a car by the hour at one of Zipcar’s convenient locations on campus or around Atlanta.

Commuter Benefits

Commuter Rewards – Earn incentives for commuting to work (faculty and staff only).

Guaranteed Ride Home – If an unexpected event occurs, Georgia Commute Options members can redeem up to four rides home or to their car from work by Uber each year. (faculty and staff only)